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Lesson Plan for Inside All

By Mary Weaver ~ super teacher



Grade level: Grade 5 (could be adapted for lower grades, as well)


Skill/poetic device: Students will read and analyze the poem presented in the picture book, Inside All, for theme, meaning, and structure, paying close attention to the pictures and figurative language.  Students will write their own poem using the story as a model.  Student poems will use poetic devices evidenced in the poem, such as; repetition of phrases from one line to the next, connections between the phrases, and rhyming words to create rhythm.


Rationale: I chose this book as a mentor text because the text is a simple poem, with a deep underlying theme. Through questioning and writing, the students will engage in higher order thinking skills and will make connections from the story to their own lives.  After analyzing the poem, students will write their own poem using the style of the author.  In the book, each stanza of the poem builds on the previous stanza, for example: “Inside the universe is a galaxy…Milky and glowing. Inside the galaxy is a planet…Blue and hopeful…”(p.4-5).  Students will be asked to do the same thing. 


Ohio Academic Content Standards:


Reading Standards for Literature: grade 5 students:

 2.  Determine a theme of a poem from details in the text, including how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic

4. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative language such as metaphors and similes.  (also Language Standard 5a)  

5. Explain how a series of stanzas fit together to provide overall structure of a poem

7. Analyze how visual elements (pictures) contribute to the meaning, tone or beauty of a text (poem).


Lesson:  2 lessons 


Day 1


1.The lesson will begin with a brief introduction of the story, including my personal background with the book.


2.Teacher will read the Albert Einstein quote on the title page aloud to class. Using their reading journal, students will do a quick write to explain what they think the words mean, they will write for 3-5 minutes.  


3.Next, the teacher will read the story aloud, showing pictures to class, instructing students to think about how the quote connects to the story. After the initial reading, students will be invited to add to their quick write any thoughts they had while listening.  Class will then discuss the quote, by sharing their quick writes, first in small groups, then as a whole group.


4.Teacher will read the story again, but this time, students will be asked to observe pictures closely during reading; analyzing the connections to the words and discussing the decisions the illustrator made in drawing the pictures, as well as determining how they add to the meaning of the story.


5.Lesson will conclude with a final reading.


Day 2


1.For the second lesson, the teacher will pass out copies of the poem and students will read the words together.  Class will then discuss the words to the story and analyze the theme of Inside All, answering questions such as:

a.How do the verses fit together? Describe the format.

b.What do you think the author meant by ‘the all’?

c.What is the all that is inside each of us?

d.What is inside of you? 


2.Students will brainstorm by writing in their journals to answer the last question, what is inside each of them.  Class will then discuss their responses by making a class list of ideas.  Teacher will then model writing a verse in front of class, using think aloud to talk through process.


3.Finally, students will have the opportunity to write their own poem, using the format and poetic devices from the book and ideas from the class list or from their notes.  Poetic devices include repetition of phrases, using strong, figurative language, from one line to the next, connections between the phrases, and rhyming words to create rhythm.  Each student should write at least 2 stanzas, or 4 lines, but can write more. Students will complete a rough draft, and then work with a partner to revise the writing.  Finally, students will make a final copy and then illustrate their poems.


Extension:  Students could each make a power point slide of their poem, with words and pictures.  The slide could be put together for a class power point show of their poems.  This could be show during the author visit.



Students will be assessed for participation in lesson through quick writes and brainstorming sessions.  What they write will not be evaluated; they will simply receive a checkmark for completing the quick write activity.



ScorePoetry Rubric


4 - Exceeds expectations

•Poem follows format of story and includes more than 2 stanzas, or 4 lines

•Student shows strong use of poetic devices by including all of the following; repetition, connections between phrases and rhythm of rhyming words

•Student’s use of writing process exceeds expectations for grade level; pre-writing, rough draft, extensive revising, final copy with illustrations


3 - Meets expectations

•Poem follows format of story and includes 2 stanzas, or 4 lines

•Student shows good use of poetic devices by including at least 2 devices

•Student’s use of the writing process meets expectations for grade level, including at least 3steps


2 - Working towards expectations

•Poem follows format of story and includes only 1 stanza or only part of 2 stanza.

•Student show minimal use of poetic devices by including at least 1 device

•Student’s use of the writing process is below expectations, including less than 3 steps.

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